Calls are received at the local Crime Stoppers tips line. This phone is a stand-alone instrument which does not utilize caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. The Crime Stoppers police receiving the information completes the tips information form, makes initial inquiries and then passes the information to the investigating officer. Calls are accepted regarding any publicized request for information, such as "Crime of the Week" or such other crime(s) the caller has knowledge of.
By guaranteeing a caller`s anonymity, Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give information in a positive atmosphere without the prospect of retribution. By offering cash rewards for information leading to indictment or arrests, the program encourages otherwise reluctant callers to provide information.
Tipsters now have the option of giving us tips online. The process is completely secure and anonymous and is a very effective and efficient means of safely communicating with us in today's world. Our WebTip process is powered by the world's leading online tip solution provider, Anderson Software.
The very unique integrated Two-Way Dialog capabilities allow the tipster to come back and provide additional information to their tip at any time, but also provides a secure means for the coordinator to ask questions or provide reward information back to the tipster through the same secure and encrypted interface.
Crime Stoppers Programs are organized as a not for profit organization (Charity). A civilian community board of directors provides direction as to the financial and promotional activities of the program. The board of directors enhances the community involvement aspect, and its function is vital to the program’s success.
The Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fundraising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the fundraising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses.
A community board of directors, made up of persons from throughout the area, meets on a monthly basis to evaluate arrests and to decide on the size of rewards to be paid, up to $2,000. Rewards are then distributed in a private manner to the callers. Callers are eligible for rewards up to $2,000, but, despite this, many callers choose not to collect their rewards.
Crime Stoppers exists as a functioning partnership between law enforcement, the media and most importantly, the community. We would not be able to operate without the support from all three of these partners. We operate as the conduit to pass anonymous information to assist in solving crimes that have happened or are about to happen.
— Cst. Amanda Allen, Police Coordinator
Windsor-Essex Crime Stoppers History
Early in 1985, Windsor Police Service Detective, Bill Stephens, was asked to study the Crime Stoppers program and to take the initial steps required to establish one in Windsor and Essex County.
This initiative was done at the request of the Windsor and District Chamber of Commerce, which was the driving force behind the establishment of Crime Stoppers in this area. A civilian Board of Directors was formed with its support and expertise.
After months of planning, Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers, Inc. started operating on April 15, 1985 with Detective Bill Stephens as its first Coordinator and Bob Pedler as its first Chairperson. It had an operating fund of $2,500, money which had been donated by the Windsor & District Labour Council, the Kinsmen Club of Windsor and the Windsor Police Association.
Since its inception, Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers, Inc. has been awarded the Marla Moon Award of Excellence eight times for the best Crime Stoppers program in Ontario. The program has also won several productivity awards, media awards and social media awards during this time. In addition, the program has received several awards from the Ontario Crime Control Commission.
Community safety is at the heart of what Crime Stoppers does. Our program offers educational workshops for high schools, collage and universities, and community centers.
Ready to help?
Important Information about the Program
Crime Stoppers does not take tips from victims of crime.
If you are the victim of a crime and you wish to supply information please report your matter directly to:
Windsor Police Service at (519) 258-6111
LaSalle Police Service at (519) 969-5210
OPP at (888) 310-1122
By providing information that Crime Stoppers will share with law enforcement agencies, you are providing an important and valuable public service. We understand that disclosure of your identity might put you at risk. We do everything we can to protect your anonymity. However, that anonymity may be open to challenge in the following situations:
A call to Crime Stoppers made with the intention of “furthering criminal activity or interfering with the administration of justice”. A party who is guilty of a crime cannot use Crime Stoppers to try to divert the blame onto someone else. Crime Stoppers cannot be used to try to “frame” an innocent person.
There is evidence that disclosure of some or all of a tip is necessary to establish someone’s innocence.
A tipster having received the benefit of full legal advice may, for his or her own reasons, elect to waive the privilege.
For a fuller explanation of these principles, help us to help you by reading and understanding the “Tipster Information” on the Canadian Crime Stoppers website.