Presentation Opportunities
Windsor and Essex County Crime Stoppers Police Coordinators offer group presentations educating the public about the Crime Stoppers program.
“Education is very important to us, almost at the heart of what we do. In order for Crime Stoppers to be as successful as we’ve been, knowledge about the program is not enough. By sharing our experiences and resources, we can help make sure that our communities are a safer place for everyone. ”
Presentations about Crime Stoppers are available for groups (large or small), service clubs or classrooms in Amherstburg, LaSalle, Tecumseh, Lakeshore, Essex, Kingsville, Leamington and Windsor.
Our presentations are aimed at High School students and above.
What We Teach: We talk about our program and how Crime Stoppers works in our community.
We offer volunteering opportunities to get involved with our organization. Time permitting, we will also share some of our policing experiences.
When Are We Available: Simply fill out the form below and we will help make arrangements for us to attend your group or class. Also, the more the merrier, there is no limit to group size.
Our Presenters: Constable Amanda Allen is an OPP officer with 28 years’ of experience and Constable Kristina Gilboe has been a Windsor Police officer for 16 years.
Benefits: Although Crime Stoppers has been around over 30 years, many have heard about Crime Stoppers but don’t know how it works. At the end of the session, attendees are left with the knowledge, power and ability to help their community.
Contact Us
If you wish to have a Crime Stoppers representative speak to your group about how Crime Stoppers works, please fill out the form below.