Where Would You Go?

Rules of the Draw

1.       Individuals purchase one (1) ticket for $10.00

2.      Tickets will be filled out to include the purchasers: name, address and phone number

3.     All tickets will be dropped into a collection bin

4.     There is one (1) grand prize, one (1) first place prize and two (2) runner up prizes therefore there is a total of four (4) draws

5.     Total amount of tickets printed is 3,000

6.     Winning tickets are determined by pulling one single ticket per prize

7.     You do not need to be present to win

8.     No one under the age of 19 shall be eligible to purchase a raffle ticket or win a prize

9.     The winners of the prizes shall be determined and publicized on the Crime Stoppers website: www.catchcrooks.com

10. Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers shall be responsible for awarding all prizes.

11.   If a winner is not present at the time of the draw, they will be attempted to be contacted at the time of the draw and on the next business day until prize is claimed

12.  Only the prizes as described and approved in the license application shall be awarded