For the remainder of December, the Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers program is offering a guaranteed $250 reward for any information that leads to the identity of individuals responsible for Holiday Package Thefts.
Here are some tips on How to Prevent Package Thefts during this Holiday Season:
Have your package delivered to your work.
Have your package delivered to the home of a relative or friend that you know will be home.
Have your package held at your local post office for pickup.
Take advantage of “Ship to Store” option that many stores offer.
Request that your package has signature confirmation upon delivery.
Ask your carrier to place package in an area out of plain view
If you are victim of a “Porch Pirate” we encourage you to report this to the police. If you see suspicious activity in your neighbourhood call your local police department, however, if you wish to remain anonymous call Crime Stoppers or submit a tip online.